Check out this neighborhood in Google Earth ( 23°35'3.50"S, 46°23'45.85"O). This neighboorhood is situated at the outskirts of São Paulo some 2 hours away from the city center. Here the density of bank branches is the lowest of the whole city. Flying over SP in 2008.
Apr 26, 2011
Apr 19, 2011
living in a container - social exclusion in NL
Nine containers with an housekeeper are put just outside the city of Tilburg. The people who live here have ´problems´ with their neighbors or in their neighborhood where they lived and this is their last chance as they say in the journal (
Apr 15, 2011
Meanwhile, in São Paulo...
The social housing program of the Federal Government called My House, My Life excludes the poorest in Brazil The federal program "My House, My Life" has completed two years without delivering any property to families from São Paulo who receive up to three minimum wages. The Federal Savings Bank said in a statement that "the main obstacle is the cost of land in Sao Paulo, which is higher than in other cities in the country." The high cost of production, price of land and water and sewerage infrastructure, it is not, according to the private sector, the ceiling of $ 52,000 set by the government for property for low income. This prevented the program's success in the city, said Jose Carlos Martins, vice president of Brazilian Chamber of Construction Industry. Sergio Watanabe, president of Sinduscon-SP (Union of Construction Industry in Sao Paulo), says there were 400 thousand units to be distributed in Brazil for a range of up to three salaries. The city of São Paulo would have 70 000. "It had the potential, but only 3,000 homes were achievable. Likewise, only with subsidy and donation of land by the municipality," he says. Are planned for the 23 capital projects, with 3,596 houses, estimated at R $ 186.1 million. The works of 21 of them are in progress, with delivery scheduled for the second half of 2011, informed the cashier. Watanabe and Martin agree that the economic viability of the program is by increasing the value limit of $ 52,000 for each property, coupled with government incentives, such as donation of land and infrastructure. By PAOLA CARVALHO for Folha de Sáo Paulo
Apr 13, 2011
decline in Dutch building activity
In the past year the Dutch built fewer houses. With a total of new houses, they built one third less than in the year 2009. The total amount of houses (including apartments) in the Netherlands at the end of 2010 is 7,2 million for a population of 16,5 million.
New houses in Voorschoten, the Netherlands.
Apr 8, 2011
Apr 5, 2011
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- F2HR
- Femke Hoogkamer and Frederico Roman Ramos are architects and urban researchers.