Oct 28, 2010


This bycicle storage in front of the Central Station of Amsterdam is a very nice solution to store a lot of bycicles using little space. Designed by VMX architects it was built in 2001 as a temporary storage with his feet in the water. The skateboarders do like it as well, great urban feature.

Oct 14, 2010

Gregori Warchavchik

Casa Modernista da Rua Santa Cruz, São Paulo, built in 1927/1928 and designed by Gregori Warchavchik was the first building of the modern movement in Brazil. Gregori Warchavchik, an Ucrainian architect, arrived in Brazil in the year 1923 and later naturalized himself Brazilian.
His wife, Mina Klabin, designed the garden landscape, another sign of Brazilian modernity.

Oct 8, 2010

SP METRO First Project

In 1954, the first project for the METRO system of São Paulo was presented. Originally with 100.789 meters, the project was based on the systems of London, New York, Madrid and Paris. The first idea was to have only 23% of the network with underground lines.

Oct 4, 2010

chair exhibition

Tomorrow, 5th of october, will open a permanent chair exhibition at the faculty of architecture of the University of Delft. Some 300 chairs who were saved from the fire that destroyed the old faculty can now be seen by the public.
Great news!

Who we are

Femke Hoogkamer and Frederico Roman Ramos are architects and urban researchers. f2hr.contact@gmail.com