Oct 23, 2009


Paraty, some 400 km. north of São Paulo, last weekend with rain but still beautifull.

Oct 21, 2009

silhuetas a tarde

São Paulo, 20 de outubro de 2009 - afternoon

Oct 15, 2009

Anti stealth shelter

Nosso projeto de plataforma de unidade móvel para a polícia holandesa desenvolvido para o concurso aberto em 2007. Our project for a competition in 2007 for a surveillance plataform for the ducth police.

Grua instalada pela polícia de BH para vigilancia. Police surveillance plataform in Belo Horizonte.

Oct 13, 2009

Brazilian graffiti at Tate Modern

Brazilian graffiti artists, os Gemeos, on the façade of the Tate Modern in London, august 2008.
'We tried to search for more Brazilian roots, not just folklore or popular Brazilian culture, but something that myself and my brother always believed in, the world that we created" (Os Gêmeos)

Oct 7, 2009

na laje

One of our works on the 19th floor of a residential building in São Paulo. The project was executed by Construtora Lúcida of our friend Edu Okamoto.

Oct 1, 2009


Xavier made this model of the MASP with LEGO.

favela do moinho

These pictures I made in the ´favela do moinho´ in the centre of São Paulo during a visit of Dutch artist Marielle Videler who was making the city one minutes of São Paulo. To see the results, visit the site http://www.cityoneminutes.org/

Who we are

Femke Hoogkamer and Frederico Roman Ramos are architects and urban researchers. f2hr.contact@gmail.com